Nothing Typical Here…

I’ve just returned from a trip to Canada’s Northwest Territories – what a great experience! I try to travel somewhere in Canada every October to find new merchandise and meet some talented artists and artisans and hear their stories. Fort Liard, NWT is a Dene community known for the production of baskets and beaded moccasins. Only about 500 people live there but 40 of them are making and selling their beautiful products.
We’ve been accused of selling ‘typical overpriced tourist stuff’. Nothing could be further from the truth! We work hard to find unique and interesting items and are happy to promote and sell the work of so many talented people. These moccasins are a perfect example. They are made of smoked moosehide – the smell is intoxicating. The beadwork is different on every pair and they are trimmed with beaver or rabbit fur. There is nothing typical about that!
I’m always on the lookout for baskets, moccasins, carvings, jewelry and more. There are so many talented people out there, and nothing makes me happier than seeing their handcrafted products inspired by the landscapes and cultures of this amazing country.